Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Just A Dollar

We may only have a dollar in our bank account
Freaking out seems fair
But for some reason I feel stronger
knowing God is here
Yeah it seems foolish
to put my trust in an invisible being
But without Him I'd definitely be dead
So I choose Him to trust to make all alright
No, my bank account won't
magically acquire money from a tree
But I can be certain
that my dollar will go farther
when God is looking out for us
That's silly, you may scream,
hoping to wake me from a delusional state
But you don't understand the power
in His spoken, glorified name.
If God can move a mountain
If God can calm a sea
If God can walk on water
Then God can help us pay the rents
And God can do it only on a dollar.
With a little faith in Him
a miracle might just happen after all.

Written on December 12, 2011
Inspired after my husband told me we only had $1 in our bank account & the amazing, indescribable peace and freedom I found in that statement, call me crazy but it is the truth, lol. Praise God!